Actividades Inicio 2014


 El ISFDyTP en Arte y Comunicación “Prof. Alberto Mario Crulcich”  informa a la comunidad educativa que debido a la refacción y ampliación edilicia de nuestra institución, las actividades académicas previstas en el calendario 2014 se llevaran a cabo  en la Esc. Merceditas de San Martín sito en Av. Emilio, Hunicken y Alicia Moreau de Justo – Barrio 25 de Mayo (N). 

  • Martes 11/02 – 19 hs.  Reunión de Equipo de Gestión y Coordinadores  de carreras.
  • Miércoles 12/02 – Presentación de  Personal Administrativo y Bedeles.
  • Jueves 13/02 – 18:30 hs.  Reunión  general de personal.
  • 13 y 14 de febrero 16 a 22 hs.  Inscripción para Exámenes turno febrero – marzo e inscripción para ingresantes  a  1º Año.
  • 24/02 al 14/03 – Curso  de Ingreso 16 a 20 hs – Carreras de Comunicación y de 18 a 22 hs – Carreras de Arte y Diseño Grafico.


11 comentarios en «Actividades Inicio 2014»

  1. People who love each other prefer to spend so much time together. People who love each other also ensure that they will protect them each oter at all times. Love is known as blind. It is a binding that never can be separate. If it is not binding then it is to be something else not love. check should always take care about love and then we will happy in our personal life.

  2. When you love something you never fell like you want to be far from it. The love for your books include scenario where you prefer to spend most of your time with it. Books are the best friend of man. Your book will create an environment where you fell like being there at all times. books makes a marking point in the exam. They are always success and failure is not theirs.

  3. What is true friendship? It is inborn. When two souls sincerely  wish well being  for each other , they are friends. People in a friendship have respect and affection for each other get Check Out Your URL. There love is selfless , holy and divine but not romantic. If ones fall in danger , the other stretches his helping hands to save him. Friends also help each other by giving advice.

  4. When there is a language barrier , communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stands for letters, words and ideas. Tourist the deaf and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression  . many of this symbol of whole words are very picturesque and exact can be used internationally, however, cannot.

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